Sustainable trip planning 

ChargeHolidays is your sustainable, friendly booking engine!


Normally, all musicians have to call this one poor guy who organizes the tour. One person needs to rent a base at the concert hall; another one wants to bring his family along, and a third one demands a separate room. This App collects all information in one tool – easy and comfortable.

Bijoux Barbosa

Basist, Composer, Arranger in Brazil, Venezuela and US , Lamont School of Music

I love the gamification of sustainable traveling. This is very inspiring. Being able to plan whole itineraries and share them with other people is a huge benefit.

Bryan Connolly

Professional circus artist, Circus Foundry, Performed with Cirque du Soleil

Showing up on time, having all the equipment with me, not forgetting notes which were already discussed… – this App makes many things that were hard before smooth.

Roma Sur

Screenwriter & Filmmaker, Surcreations

 Plan your gigs, filmshoots or masterclasses

in a sustainable friendly way

Enough from confusing budget Excels, lost e-mails and annoying phone calls? ChargeHolidays provides you with an all-integrated, easy tool. Whether it is the local monthly circus gig at the restaurant around the corner, the next big filmshooting or your Big Band debut tournée, ChargeHolidays allows you to organize everything in one place – so that you can focus on what you love.

Manage your team

No matter if you hold a masterclass alone or have a group performance. Our tool makes it easy for you to collect all the necessary information. From food preferences to special needs – preventing lengthy phone calls and allowing you to share individual itineraries. Assign permissions so that no one messes around with information they should not edit. 

 What are you waiting for?

Download the App now for free and test it out!

Feedback? Fill in this form or write us an email

Everybody on board, everybody on time

The camera assistant forgot the batteries, the saxophone player thought check-in was at 7 pm, and the hairstylist headed to the wrong address. When organizing, much information must be circled back and forth. Make it easy for everyone to gather information in one spot. 

For liveperformers

For filmmakers

For sport teams

For cultural venues

 Like what you see? 

If you want to see more great features and support our work, please click here.

Book artist-friendly stays:

Hotels from where you need several taxis to get to the venue? No gym and no soundproof room? Select your stay directly in the App. Find out which accommodations are comfortably reachable from the venue and apply individual filters for your needs. Get additional information about the E-vehicle charging stations in place, the venue’s sustainable behavior, and its CO2 footprint. 

Organize your budget

Jenny lost the receipt that you need for handing it in to the sponsor, Jacky forgot to take a picture from the rental car milage and you have no idea if you still have some money left for a farewell dinner at the end of your shootings. Use ChargeHolidays to track all your expenses and income flows. Upload pictures of receipts and important documents to make everything easily available in one spot.

Track your CO2, report, and contribute

Your audience wants to know about your sustainable responsibility? Your donor wants to track your efforts in reducing environmental harm? The government requires you to offset emissions? With our CO2 tracker, you can automatically measure and reduce your CO2 footprint and contribute to a more just world with our cooperation with myclimate. Compare emissions from different modes of transportation and hotel stays and use your sustainable, conscious behavior for marketing.

Keep and Share memories

Have you forgotten where you saved those pictures from last year’s Christmas performance? Have you spent five hours searching your hard drive for this one picture you want to use for the social media graphic for next year’s tour? Tired of asking Tjorben for the behind-the-scenes footage? Upload all important pictures and files, share them with the whole group, and keep your memories forever. 

Soon to come: 

Avoid a catastrophe & stay relaxed:

Missing base, delaying the concert? Improper rigging for hanging up your silks? Cymbals that have been mishandled during transit? Performing at different places also means many different needs. Use our request feature and keep track of the demands from all the different people so that transportation, rentals and safety checks are never forgotten again.

Feedback that matters

You picked the hotel for its 5-star rating? Now you are here, and you find out that the whirlpool, which was the main driver behind the 5 stars, is not even working? No one commented on the noisy halls or that dinner closes at 6 pm, long before you return from your show or outdoor shoot? In our feedback feature, you can filter for comments from people with similar needs. Never let random stars sidetrack you. 

Get the most out of your travel

Wasting a whole travel day only for one gig? Returning home only to find out that there was a college that would have been interested in you giving a masterclass? Especially for emerging artists, it is not feasible to have resources worldwide. This feature enables you to share and receive information. No matter if these are recommendations on where to go for an early dinner before the performance, which venues could be interested in an additional performance, or whom to reach out to spread the word to fill the venues in local newsletters and journals. Here, you can profit from the unique network of thousands of artists.

Join the Community

Do you want to learn about pitfalls and get the latest planning hacks? Become part of our community and benefit from regular newsletters, blog articles, and podcasts. In all of these formats, other artists talk about their experiences. Learn how you can gamify sustainable efforts for your fans and how you avoid unpleasant surprises on the road.